2017 泰剧简介:Massaya,泰语的意思是鱼。人如其名,Massaya从小就像小鱼儿一样调皮,不受拘束。她的父亲出自名门望族 ,但由于奶奶误会她的母亲血统卑贱,从出生之日起,她就被父亲的家人轻视与侮辱。时光流逝,她渐渐长大。如奶奶 Rattanamahasarn 夫人期望的一样,她成为 了一位高雅美丽的淑女。但那些仇恨与偏见、傲慢与轻视却也都深深扎入了她的内心,融入了她的骨血。在富 有的Rattanamahasarn家族中,她得到的只有冷眼相待 。她独自一人面对着所有的冷漠与敌意,但内心却仍然期待着一个温暖的港湾 。终于,他——Lak出现了。他玩世不恭,从不认为有任何事可以比酒精和朋友聚会更重要。但在Massaya的眼里,他却像个天使。任何人都不知道,其实Lak 也正一点点地爱上这个独一无二的女孩,Massaya。横亘在这对儿相爱的人之间的,不仅有血统和家族的障 ...
- 1.0 沙风暴
- 6.0 沙石蓝天
2021 泰剧简介:When one is in search of what he needs, only to find it when he returns home. This is a story of a man who comes back home to recover from big city life. But it’s not that easy when he has to fight for the things that he thought were supposed to be given. He has to work through this farming challenge to claim it back. His friends and family are all there to help him. Somehow wi...
- 5.0 键盘侠
2017 泰剧简介:Every match has winners and losers. Rules are important for the game on the field. But what about the game outside the field? Meet the wonderful stories of the athletes in a college. Striking in and out of the field at this college, sports dance and wrestling collide. Members for both teams are required to compete for medals together. But instead, everyone will unite to overcom...